Blue Flag


The iconic Blue Flag is an international environmental award given marina and yachts that meet the required standards. While it is a symbol of a clean, well- maintained, well-equipped and safe, therefore civilized environment; It is one of the world's most recognized volunteer awards for beaches, marinas and sustainable boat tourism operators. To qualify for the Blue Flag, a series of stringent environmental, training, safety and accessibility criteria must be met and maintained.

Education: The essence and ideal of the Blue Flag is environment and encourage them to have more knowledge about environment and nature .

Information : Informing visitors about their where they are İs one of important side of Blue Flag Programme. This allows people to navigate freely there and learn more informatin about flora and fauna.

Monitoring : Comprehensive site inspection visits an encouraging role in meeting the criteria.

Management : Stability in fulfilling the criteria that make Blue Flag reliable all over the world is achieved thanks to the Local Blue Flag Officer and Blue Flag Representatives

Security: The operator/owner of the Blue Flag Awar precautions are taken to ensure that the employees, the public an award-winning area.

The Blue Flag was first applied internationally in France 1985, in europen Community in 1987, 1993 in our country, and in 2000 in countries outside the Europea countries around the World. Today,it is applied in 30 countries of which are in Europe, totaly in 49 cuntries.

The Blue Flag Award Program is run by the independent non “Foundation for Environmental Education-FEE” and is represented in every member country with similar foundatins . FEE programs can only be carried out by non-go authorized institution responsible for executing the Blue Flag Prog Environmental Education Foundation - TÜRÇEV.

Mersin Marina has been deemed worthy of the blue flag awar environmentally friendly and respectful to nature. In addition, in the environmental education activities it has held in 2019 and 202 Environmental Education Events Award". ' owned.

Environment and Sustainability

Environmental sustainability can be explained as minimizing the impact on the environment through activities such as reduction at source, reuse, recycling, disposal, efficient use of energy, and natural resources, and reducing the use of hazardous chemicals.

In line with its environmental sensitivity and sustainability approach, Mersin Marina has adopted the zero waste principle at domestic waste sorting centers and gray water & used waste stations. Mersin Marina also provides e-charging units, preventing the damage caused by exhaust gases to the atmosphere and supporting the protection of the Mediterranean with all these services.

The increasing importance of renewable energy, the growing interest in systems with low carbon emissions, and the development of battery technologies in electric vehicles have increased the confidence and interest in electric vehicles. With the spread of electric vehicles, electric vehicle charging stations have started to spread around the world. As demand for charging stations increases, there is a greater need for equipment that supports faster charging at higher voltages and currents. Globally, the system of public charging stations for EV charging is on the rise and the energy sector is developing efforts to provide these infrastructures. In this context, our environmentally friendly Mersin Marina has two electric charging units of 120 and 22 KWH. Work is underway for additional charging units. 

If the yachts want to discharge waste water, they can directly discharge their wastes into the sealed tank with the help of a vacuum pump in the technologically highly advanced automation system by approaching the fixed liquid waste station of our marina operation in accordance with the regulation on waste reception and waste control of ships. The wastewater collected in the sealed tank is then given to environmentally licensed companies for disposal. Motor oils, bilge oils, and liquid fuel wastes are stored in sealed containers, separately from other wastes and each other (hazardous waste can also be kept in a designated area in the temporary storage area) and given to environmentally licensed companies in the same way.

Mersin Marina has a specially designed "Waste Temporary Storage Area" and "Sorting Center". In these areas, recyclable wastes are sorted according to their categories by the licensed company and sent to the licensed waste recycling facility. Thanks to this activity, which is one of the steps of environmental sustainability, our business helps to protect natural resources and ensure economic production.
